Paul WolfeDec 18, 2023DCC RPG Classes RoundupI've written several classes for the DCC RPG game, and instead of creating a separate article for each, I'll just list them below with a summary and link to the PDF. Enjoy! Robotdcc-robot.pdfDownload PDF • 116KBSamuraidcc-samurai.pdfDownload PDF • 1.76MBCharlatandcc-thecharlatan.pdfDownload PDF • 202KBTokar/Tokarudcc-tokar.pdfDownload PDF • 361KBThe Zharanthian Church and Priestsdcc-zharanth.pdfDownload PDF • 350KB
I've written several classes for the DCC RPG game, and instead of creating a separate article for each, I'll just list them below with a summary and link to the PDF. Enjoy! Robotdcc-robot.pdfDownload PDF • 116KBSamuraidcc-samurai.pdfDownload PDF • 1.76MBCharlatandcc-thecharlatan.pdfDownload PDF • 202KBTokar/Tokarudcc-tokar.pdfDownload PDF • 361KBThe Zharanthian Church and Priestsdcc-zharanth.pdfDownload PDF • 350KB